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Monday, April 7, 2014

Welcome to Kink+

As the title says, welcome to Kink+ (or "Kink Positive")!

Lately there has been this wonderful push for sex positive thinking; the idea that instead of making sex a "bad word" and hoping it will just go away, we should embrace the fact that we as human beings have sex and should talk about what that means. We need to talk about the fact that there are usually consequences that come along with having sex, whether good or bad, and how to prevent or handle those consequences.

Sex positive thinking is helping decriminalize sex as a whole (though there is still lots of work to be done there) and bringing new information out to those who so desperately need it.

Recently BDSM and the Kink Lifestyle has made a much larger appearance than history has previously allowed due to media and social networking. As sex becomes less and less taboo, so do some of the activities that are often associated with sex. What was once something you might see in "hard-core" pornography is now being printed in books that are displayed in shopping mall windows. "Bondage" has become a common term amongst giggles and whispers of those whom have indulged in some extra-curricular reading, but how many people understand what is really involved?

With Kink+ I hope to bridge the gap between the Kink and Non-Kink worlds. I want to answer the questions many are too afraid to ask, but are still burning to come out. Why? Because there is no harm in adding a little something extra to your life. Because the activities we in the Kink Lifestyle engage in can be dangerous without the right knowledge. Because a little bit of interest doesn't mean you have to jump into the deep end. Because there are some great things both worlds can learn from each other.

There are countless other reasons that could be covered; all in all it comes down to spreading knowledge, awareness, and being open to new ideas.

Stay positive.

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